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Yerba Buena

Meadow with more
Picture of meadow from slightly back. Many flowers around the meadow are still blooming, though the meadow itself appears to be finished.

Common Buckeye
Butterflies are very plentiful in the nursery right now. This stunning Common Buckeye was kind enough to rest long enough for me to bring the camera...

Salvia clevelandii
'Winifred Gilman'
A coveted selection of Salvia clevelandii (Cleveland Sage) called 'Winifred Gilman', known for its cobalt blue flowers, red stems, and mouth-watering scent. This plant has actually been blooming for several weeks in our garden, and only seems to have more and more flowers each week.

'Winifred Gilman'
(spray of flowers)
Closer look at the spray of flowers.

'Winifred Gilman'
Close-up of the Winifred Gilman flowers. Hummingbirds enjoy these tubular, closely packed nectar sources.
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