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Epilobium canum 'Cloverdale' - California Fuchsia

Botanic Name

Epilobium canum 'Cloverdale'

Common Name

California Fuchsia


H: 1' W: 3'


Occ. H20/Dry



Part Shade, Sun

Bee favorite

Bee favorite

Attribute detail

Deer resistant

Deer resistant


Hummingbird attractor

Hummingbird attractor

Attribute detail


This selection of the California Fuchsia has bright red flowers and broad, felty gray-green leaves. Like all the California Fuchsias, it is a fall bloomer, and an excellent humminbgird attractor. It forms a low mat about a foot tall and spreading 3 feet wide. It should be pruned hard in winter, after its foliage has withered. Sun, drought, and deer resistant, it is a great addition to a border or meadow garden, where it will creep among other plants and provide a spectacular late summer and fall show.

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1 gal


Prices are subject to change without notice. Please call (650) 851-1668 to verify price and availability for all plants.

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