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Lilium kelleyanum - Kelley's Lily

Botanic Name

Lilium kelleyanum

Common Name

Kelley's Lily


H: 5' W: 2'


Occ. H20/Moist



Part Shade

Bee favorite

Bee favorite

Attribute detail


This lily from the High Sierras, grows along hillside seeps, in wet thickets and along streamsides in subalpine forest. The foliage reaches a height of up to 6 feet. The flowers are mildly fragrant and yellow or yellow- orange. The anthers are magenta or dull red, while the pollen is orange to red-brown. In your garden give it a shaded situation in a moist soil.

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This plant is in stock

24" box


24" box


24" box


24" box


24" box


24" box


Prices are subject to change without notice. Please call (650) 851-1668 to verify price and availability for all plants.

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