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Castilleja foliosa - Indian Paintbrush

Botanic Name

Castilleja foliosa

Common Name

Indian Paintbrush


H: 2' W: 1'


Summer Dry




Deer resistant

Deer resistant



This 1 to 2 foot tall perennial or subshrub is a member of chaparral communities in the North Coast Ranges, the Central Western, Sierra Nevada Foothills and the southern Channel Islands geographical subdivisions of California. It will be found growing on dry, open, rocky slopes often with chamise (Adenostema). The foliage is felt-like with white to gray, much branched hairs, which contrast beautifully with the bright orange flowers.

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24" box


24" box


24" box


24" box


24" box


24" box


Prices are subject to change without notice. Please call (650) 851-1668 to verify price and availability for all plants.

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