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Penstemon davidsonii - Beard-Tongue

Botanic Name

Penstemon davidsonii

Common Name



H: <6" W: spreads


Occ. H20/Moist



Part Shade, Sun

Bee favorite

Bee favorite

Attribute detail

Deer resistant

Deer resistant


Hummingbird attractor

Hummingbird attractor

Attribute detail


This is a low growing subshrub of montane and alpine outcrops and talus slopes at elevations of about 6000 to 11,000 ft. Lovely lavender flowers are held just inches above the dark green foliage. In your garden provide a well-drained site with some shade. Flowering is encouraged by a winter chill. This is well placed in a rock garden.

This plant is not currently in stock

This plant is in stock

24" box


24" box


24" box


24" box


24" box


24" box


Prices are subject to change without notice. Please call (650) 851-1668 to verify price and availability for all plants.

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