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Clematis ligusticifolia - Western Virgin's Bower

Botanic Name

Clematis ligusticifolia

Common Name

Western Virgin's Bower


H: 20' W: 20'


Occ. H20/Moist




Part Shade, Shade, Sun

Deer resistant

Deer resistant



This fast growing deciduous vine can reach as much as 20' on an arbor or fence. It prefers sun to light shade and regular water. In nature, it occurs along streambanks in a variety of habitats. Virgin's Bower blooms from June to September covering itself with a profusion of small creamy white, fragrant blossoms, followed by masses of fluffy seed heads. The late summer bloom and intense fragrance combine to make it a great subject for a wall or fence.

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1 gal


5 gal


Prices are subject to change without notice. Please call (650) 851-1668 to verify price and availability for all plants.

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