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Aesculus californica - California Buckeye

Botanic Name

Aesculus californica

Common Name

California Buckeye


H: 30' W: 30'


Occ. H20/Moist




Part Shade, Shade, Sun

Bee favorite

Bee favorite

Attribute detail

Deer resistant

Deer resistant


Good w/ oaks

Good w/ oaks

Attribute detail

Attracts butterflies

Attracts butterflies



This local tree is one of the earliest plants to leaf out in winter, its bright green leaves and light grey branches sharply contrast with the tans and browns of late winter in the bay area. Candles of fragrant white to pinkish flowers appear in late spring. In late summer it drops its leaves exposing an intricate branching habit. In fall and winter pear shaped fruit appear.

This plant is not currently in stock

This plant is in stock

1 gal


5 gal


24" box


Prices are subject to change without notice. Please call (650) 851-1668 to verify price and availability for all plants.

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