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Venegasia carpesioides - Canyon-Sunflower

Botanic Name

Venegasia carpesioides

Common Name



H: 4' W: 4'


Occ. H20/Dry



Part Shade, Shade

Deer resistant

Deer resistant


Good w/ oaks

Good w/ oaks

Attribute detail


This showy sunflower is the only native species in the genus Venegasia, and is similar in appearance to Dalias. It can be found growing wild in moist, wooded canyons below 900 m.,in the outer south coast ranges, throughout south west CA., and into Baja. In your garden provide Venegasia with a shady or partially shaded situation and occasional water. Venegasia is also a good soil stabilizer on shaded slopes.

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This plant is in stock

24" box


24" box


24" box


24" box


24" box


24" box


Prices are subject to change without notice. Please call (650) 851-1668 to verify price and availability for all plants.

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